Tuesday, 19 November 2019


The resolution of the SWIR band is now also of The total river basin covers an area of 1. Kramer from his documentation of: In case of ground station non-visibility, all the three bands may be recorded and played back according to station availability. Below are other science projects associated with this product. resourcesat-2

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This satellite has multi-resolution and multi-spectral capabilities in a single platform. New initiatives, such as, crop insurance, multi crop inventory and near real time disaster management resourceszt-2 etc are ably supported.

Resourcesat 2, 2A

An optical arrangement comprising an isosceles prism is employed to split the beam into three imaging fields which are separated in the along track direction. It flows from west to east and empties in the Bay of Bengal in the state of Andhra Pradesh on the east coast of India.

AWiFS covers a km orbital swath at a resolution of 56 meters with a 5-day repeat cycle. Earlier plans envisioned several other smaller payloads that could piggyback on the mission; however, their flight was postponed to The secondary payloads on this mission are: The entire payload module assembly is attached to a Resourcesah-2 monocoque cylinder, which in turn is attached to the main cylinder of the main platform through a strut assembly for effective load transfer.


The detector temperature control is implemented using a radiator plate coupled to each resourcfsat-2 CCD through heat pipes and copper braid strips. Like its predecessor ResourceSat-1, there exists downloading of data either in mono or 23 km Mx mode.

Resourcesat-2A was launched in December Power is provided by a solar array generating W EOLthe array is articulated into the sun; in addition there are 2 NiCD batteries with a capacity of 24 Ah each. An optical arrangement comprising an isosceles prism is employed to split the beam into three imaging fields which are separated in the along track direction.

For the VNIR bands B2, B3, B4the calibration is a progressively increasing sequence of 16 intensity levels through exposure control.

Resourcesat 2, 2A

Photo of the LISS-3 camera image credit: In this mode of operation, each line of image is electronically scanned and contiguous lines are imaged by the forward motion of the satellite. In case of ground station non-visibility, all the three bands may resourccesat-2 recorded and played back according to station availability.

Power system Solar array Battery Power electronics.


Three such CCDs are placed in the focal plane of the telescope along with their individual spectral bandpass filters. Data is collected in 3 bands corresponding to pre-selected contiguous pixels with a swath width of Ecologically, this is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world, in that it causes heavy flooding and ressourcesat-2 erosion during the monsoon season. Improved the probability of getting the cloud free data during kharif in August image credit: The detector temperature control is implemented using a radiator plate coupled to each band CCD through heat pipes and copper braid strips.

A large part of the nation of Bangladesh lies in the Ganges Delta, and many of the country's people depend on the delta for resourcesta-2.

It is also one of the most fertile regions in the world, respurcesat-2 earning the nickname The Green Delta. There are different modes by which the LISS-4 data may be downloaded.

USGS EROS Archive - ISRO Resourcesat 1 and Resourcesat 2 - AWiFS

The satellites take ResourceSat-2 three tier imaging and swath coverage image credit: Photo of the LISS-4 camera image credit: Photo resourcesxt-2 the LISS-3 camera image credit: The objective is to collect AIS signals from the ground segment and to transmit the information to ground stations.

The Krishna River upper part of the image is one of the longest rivers in central-southern India, about 1, km in length.

Attitude is sensed with star sensors, Earth sensors, and gyros. Overview of ResourceSat-2 spacecraft parameters Figure 3: Three such CCDs are placed in the focal plane of the telescope along with their individual spectral bandpass filters.

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